According to Dr. C. Mark Chassay, a local sports medicine doctor. Lawsuits are truly the problem with the high cost of medical care. Being a doctor he may seem to have jurisdiction on this topic, but I have to disagree with him. He claims ,"defensive medicine" causes doctors to order unnecessary test to avoid lawsuits driving the cost of health care sky high. First of All, if this was true it would already be working. There would be few lawsuits due to the billion dollars worth of defensive medicine being currently beingpracticed. He even states that there too many frivolous lawsuits. He points to Texas as an example of were a our laws are at work to cut out frivolous malpractice suits. Yet, Texas is notorious for it's large amount of uninsured. Chassey, just like everyone else in the health care debate is picking the side that most favors his adgenda. The argument is also weak because it's malpractice insurance that pays out on these suits. The health care system in some minds isn't broken, just not comprehensive enough. He doesn't address what would happen to patient care if the doctors felt invincible. If they can't be sued who's to say the quality of care won't go down. The issues of health care definitely in my opinion won't be fixed with simply fixing the medical malpractice laws.
Ask Pro-Choice People, What is an Abortion?
9 years ago
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