Saturday, December 5, 2009

Response to Micheleisliberalandwhy

Interestingly enough, Michele is Liberal and I am Conservative but we both agree on this.

Bill White For Texas Govenor

Delivering Solutions not Soundbites ! Is a slogan of Bill White's campaign. Finally a contestant that has got my attention. The Mayor of Austin and 5 of six of Austin's councilmen have publicly given Bill White their endorsement. I feel partial to what Austin thinks about it's Texas politicians since they operate out of our city. Bill White is the Mayor of Houston and has a great record on what he has actually accomplished. He actually provided more city services while cutting the property Tax rate. Some students have referred to this as a game, so Bill white knows how to play this game. His priorities about education, higher education, and our children have really got my attention. His viewpoint is we can't fix our economy in the long run if our children are our last priority.

This is a good example of why it's important to keep informed and following campaigns because you never know how the race may change and who the new players will be. Bill White has an appeal that I feel is universal. A lot of Texans Democrats and Republicans should be able to relate to him and support his ideas about the solutions to most of the issues. I also like that he has a plan and it's not simply rhetoric. I guess Bill White can add me to his list of supporters.........For Now.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Only will I not "Stand With Ben Bius,"........I can't stand Ben Bius !

I arrived home to find a glossy quad-fold brochure hanging on my Door, campaigning propaganda from Ben Bius for Senator. I like when information is accessible so I read it.
Being the Conservative that I am I have been wanting to see what the Republicans will do with the predicament they have gotten themselves in. After 9/11 I don't like anti-government sentiment ,it is hypocritical to be against the thing you are trying to be elected for (right?)Ben Bius promises that he will put money back in the hands of taxpayers? How the heck can a senator do that? So it looks like business as usual, promises that are impossible to keep.

In Texas I would definitely say that we have some issues such as immigration, the cost of uninsured , and state and government run programs. It is important to know were the candidates stand on these topics. Ben Bius's viewpoint is downright disturbing as he addresses these issues on his website

He says" Right now your hard earned money is being taken and given to people who will not work, who do not care for their children and who are spending your money on Drugs. At least half the money is falling into the hands of Mexican Drug Lords and is financing the destruction of Mexico ....We must act right now or our whole way of life is at Stake."

I don't want this Person as Senator or as anything else connected to our lives. He is inventing statistics, (I looked and couldn't find anything anywhere to substantiate this.) Since Medicaid doesn't pay out money I'm not sure how this is happening with half the money as he claims, since medicaid makes up more than half of the money he references.

I wonder how many people will see past the glossy sentimentalism and actually read about how far out of his mind this man really is. It will take more than trying to match your ideals with that of a party. Conservative especially need to become educated about ther choices for politics in Texas these days.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Appleseed rightly sues to make police use of force policies public

Appleseed rightly sues to make police use of force policies public

Scott Henson who writes, "Grits for breakfast," is highly qualified to blog about the topic of Texas politics. A former journalist he has worked in some aspect of politics all his life with a strong emphasis on political justice. The blog refers to "Appleseed" a non profit that is suing the Attorney General over the right for the public to view police policies that deal with the use of force in public schools. Grits gives us some background about the issue and the commentary and response that followed were interesting as well. Common sense makes you question why such policies would be hidden from the public. The reason's given were reminiscent of the reason given as to why slave masters abused slaves. They rationalized "If you keep the students ignorant of just how far they can go, and keep the police fearful and on edge, you can avoid crime." REALLY!!!(scholarly writing has to take a break so I can freak out for a minute.)THE LUNATICS ARE RUNNING THE ASYLUM!!!! At first ,I thought this is Appleseed practicing a form of Lobbying by suing the Attorney general and the schools that won't release their policies. Then I read further and yes, I believe they should sue. The school and state will thank them later. There was a case involving a student that was stripped searched and it made it to the supreme court. Although the court ruled that her rights were violated they also ruled that they weren't violated knowingly by the staff. When there is gray area or in this case complete concealment, the worst is waiting to happen, especially involving minors. This is not the direction we won't to go in involving our schools and our children. Hopefully the lawsuit will be successful, What do they have to hide? The Grits for breakfast blog looks at two pieces of law a government code, and a Texas Plain language law and shows how they conflict and the previous can be manipulated. Wake up America.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chassay: Without legal reforms, the health care system will remain broken

According to Dr. C. Mark Chassay, a local sports medicine doctor. Lawsuits are truly the problem with the high cost of medical care. Being a doctor he may seem to have jurisdiction on this topic, but I have to disagree with him. He claims ,"defensive medicine" causes doctors to order unnecessary test to avoid lawsuits driving the cost of health care sky high. First of All, if this was true it would already be working. There would be few lawsuits due to the billion dollars worth of defensive medicine being currently beingpracticed. He even states that there too many frivolous lawsuits. He points to Texas as an example of were a our laws are at work to cut out frivolous malpractice suits. Yet, Texas is notorious for it's large amount of uninsured. Chassey, just like everyone else in the health care debate is picking the side that most favors his adgenda. The argument is also weak because it's malpractice insurance that pays out on these suits. The health care system in some minds isn't broken, just not comprehensive enough. He doesn't address what would happen to patient care if the doctors felt invincible. If they can't be sued who's to say the quality of care won't go down. The issues of health care definitely in my opinion won't be fixed with simply fixing the medical malpractice laws.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

China puts up $1.5 billion for huge wind farm in West Texas

I remember When T.Boone Pickens made his claim to cornering the market on this. Now it appears he's backed off of the idea. It rubs me the Wrong way that this is a Chinese partnered project. Why are we not trying to get our status back as the leader of innovations on the world? When foreign countries have projects of such mass importance and scale in our state, and country It worries me. Is this not a security issue? The article gives the size and scope of these wind farms.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obama links defense bill with hate crimes provision
So for a President that vowed to end Earmarks, this was an interesting endorsement of them. Hmmm.. I can't seem to wrap my head around it on one hand they say the have eliminated a lot of useless spending, but on the other it still contains waste.
Also this is a good example of how riders on Bills work. Really? Hate Crimes and Defense spending?!Not that I don't think people should be protected (doesn' t the law already do that?) Aren't all crimes hate crimes? I'm not really sure what to think about the passage of this law connected to a must pass bill. This looks like business as usual. It doesn't matter if they are Republican on Democrat, the waste keeps getting pushed through. There are too many things tied together in this Bill that makes it convoluted and definitely not transparent. You should read this article and see how it contradicts itself. The media spin is definitely to focus on the Hate crimes victory and look past the smoke and mirrors on the defense spending. The way this is relevant to Texas politics and government is they used the murder of a man in Jasper, Texas as an example to justify the need of this federal law, stating that Texas currently didn't have the laws that make hate crimes additionally punishable. I can see a lot of problamatic situations presenting themselves from this law.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why all the rush- rush hurry hurry, Miss Pelosi? These bills need to have time to be properly debated and changed to reflect the will of the people. It seems like ever since the economic stimulus(which was forced down our throats by G.WB) and the next one by Obama , this seems to be the way to get things done.
If you have to use sneaky tactics, what does that tell you about the bill? These power crazed pantywaist are out of control, the republicans and democrats. I remember their looks of fear and sickness when the stock market was crashing and their cries of "the sky is falling!" Well the banks made out like fat rats the sky didn't fall and TARP should have been called TRAP.
Abortion is a moral issue that should not involve tax payer money at all. It should be up to private people and doctors. Not one penny of it should be funded with tax payer money. That's my two cents.

Monday, October 26, 2009