Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obama links defense bill with hate crimes provision
So for a President that vowed to end Earmarks, this was an interesting endorsement of them. Hmmm.. I can't seem to wrap my head around it on one hand they say the have eliminated a lot of useless spending, but on the other it still contains waste.
Also this is a good example of how riders on Bills work. Really? Hate Crimes and Defense spending?!Not that I don't think people should be protected (doesn' t the law already do that?) Aren't all crimes hate crimes? I'm not really sure what to think about the passage of this law connected to a must pass bill. This looks like business as usual. It doesn't matter if they are Republican on Democrat, the waste keeps getting pushed through. There are too many things tied together in this Bill that makes it convoluted and definitely not transparent. You should read this article and see how it contradicts itself. The media spin is definitely to focus on the Hate crimes victory and look past the smoke and mirrors on the defense spending. The way this is relevant to Texas politics and government is they used the murder of a man in Jasper, Texas as an example to justify the need of this federal law, stating that Texas currently didn't have the laws that make hate crimes additionally punishable. I can see a lot of problamatic situations presenting themselves from this law.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why all the rush- rush hurry hurry, Miss Pelosi? These bills need to have time to be properly debated and changed to reflect the will of the people. It seems like ever since the economic stimulus(which was forced down our throats by G.WB) and the next one by Obama , this seems to be the way to get things done.
If you have to use sneaky tactics, what does that tell you about the bill? These power crazed pantywaist are out of control, the republicans and democrats. I remember their looks of fear and sickness when the stock market was crashing and their cries of "the sky is falling!" Well the banks made out like fat rats the sky didn't fall and TARP should have been called TRAP.
Abortion is a moral issue that should not involve tax payer money at all. It should be up to private people and doctors. Not one penny of it should be funded with tax payer money. That's my two cents.

Monday, October 26, 2009